Friday, 12 November 2010

Things that make you go mmmm?

I admit it I love writing this blog, its incredibly relaxing and it has encouraged me to learn so much more about the global community and what everyone is doing to save energy. It gives me somewhere to vent my feelings and thoughts (such as they are) - 3year doesn't care, 18 month old can't understand and 8 year old doesn't want to listen to her old mum. It has in a strange way given me some "adult" time when I can be me, Domestic Energy assessor and adult not the chief bottlewasher/cleaning lady/taxi aka mum.

But I am intrigued by the statistics that are coming back about who is reading my blog - people in America, UK, Israel, Russia, Sweden, France, Singapore. I am really pleased that there is 1 person reading it let alone all the people that seem to be (unless the stats are wrong). I am wondering what people think though, and although I can hope that job offers (daydreaming again) will be winging their way to me in the near future from some amazing energy related industry I don't think thats really going to happen.

Please if you have any comments or want to email me - feel free (*nothing abusive though please - I am sensitive)

I probably won't write much over the weekend as it is going to be fairly busy - spending time with family, shopping, and my favourite activity of dog agility on sunday (adore it - you get cold, wet, frustrated when your dog won't do what you want but its good exercise and when it all comes together it feels fantastic) so I hope everyone has a lovely weekend doing what ever it is they enjoy.

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