Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Reading between the lines - economic fears hit housing market?

"Government spending cuts and fears of job losses are hitting the housing market, experts have warned"

Reading a headline like that would worry most people - and probably put some people off buying or selling a house.

"The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and Ulster Bank housing market survey suggested the traditional winter dip in the market was being deepened by fears over the economy.
Expectations for prices over November, December and January were at their lowest levels since March 2009, with expectations for transactions at their lowest levels since the survey began in May 2006."

The above again sounds very worrying - until you read it again " traditional winter dip in the market" and " fears over the economy" - its normal at this time of the year for the housing market to go quieter, not that many people want to move just before Christmas and if people are looking to move they want to be in their new property before Christmas.

Thankfully it continues with "But RICS Northern Ireland housing spokesman, Tom McClelland, said the findings were not surprising. The winter months are traditionally the quietest time of year for the housing market, so it isn't surprising that expectations are lower, he said "This inevitably feeds through into the housing market, and will be a challenge for some time to come. That said however, we are confident that deals will continue to be done if the price is right"

So if you carry on reading rather than just skimming the headlines this piece explains that it is 1. normal at this time of year, 2. its fears over job safety etc that are affecting it, and 3. if the price is right your property will still sell. Confidence in the housing market is now needed.

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