Green Deal Advisers
An important aspect of the Green Deal will be the provision of personalised advice to householders. It is likely, but yet to be confirmed, that the role of these advisers will be to:- produce a fabric assessment, along the lines of an improved EPC, where one does not already exist. Current work to improve the EPC should position it to deliver this element of the Green Deal;
- provide personalised face to face advice to householders on the most appropriate energy efficiency measures for their home using the fabric assessment as the basis for that advice;
- provide advice on behavioural changes that an occupier can make to reduce energy consumption;
- lodge an updated EPC on the Register following installation of the measures.
Qualifications and Training
National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Home and Community Energy Advisers were published in June 2009. Those standards were developed at a time when a rather different role was envisaged for HEAs. While many of the skills and competencies prescribed in the NOS are likely to be relevant to the role of the Green Deal Adviser, there will be a range of other skills and knowledge that an adviser working under the auspices of the Green Deal will require.Asset Skills, the awarding bodies and others, are to update the NOS to ensure that it reflects all of the skills that will be required for the Green Deal. We expect to complete this process early next year, following which appropriate qualifications will be developed and brought forward. It follows that a suitable qualification for people wanting to become Green Deal Adviser does not currently exist.
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