Wednesday, 10 November 2010

A learning experience

I am very glad that I started this blog as it has made me more interested in what is going on around me in the Global community with regards to energy saving. Up until last week I had no idea what Australia had already done and had never heard of Christine Milne (she is now a heroine of mine), I didn't know that the US were looking into measuring the energy efficency of properties and it is being promoted even in the planning stage as something that will increase or decrease the marketability of a property.

I have gotten frustrated though with the seeming lack of communication between the countries. Why aren't they all working together - seeing what the others have already tried and what the problems have been (training providers, setting a fee, too many assessors etc)?

I am passionate about energy saving, I believe in practising what I preach (am fully double glazed, good combi condensing boiler and lots of insulation) and am always open to new ideas.

Scotland have started looking at how they need to adapt the rdSAP that currently produces the EPC as it doesn't apply fully to their housing stock and the weather conditions. Its a good way of doing things - take something that already works and adapt it to correctly fit the country. Its a flexible approach that saves time.

I have looked at the other websites, some are very client friendly such as Sweden with an easy to understand site that encourages you to look further, others such as France are filled with details that are encouraging but require a little more time to read through.

It is very promising and a great start - just think if all houses that were assessed were required/strongly encouraged (ie makes the property more saleable) how much difference it would make to the world.

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