Saturday, 20 November 2010

Situation normal

I haven't written much this week as 1. have not had much to say, 2. have been that tired. Unfortunately my youngest has decided that sleep is not an option and for the past 6 months he has been getting me up 3-4 times a night. I have been shattered, but on the plus side, it seems like we have finally turned the corner as I have had 3 whole nights of undisturbed sleep! I feel like a new person.

Alot of DEAs that I know are now diversifying - one has become an estate agent, 2 or 3 are now doing cavity wall insulation, another one is selling PVs and a few more are doing inventories.
I already do floor plans, write ups and photos and after Christmas will be including video tours of properties in the services that I offer. I am also considering inventories but I want to check into that more thoroughly before I get involved. I have previously carried out inventories (back in 2005) but I want to check and see what current legislation is and if there are any necessary qualifications/insurances that you need. Obviously I would be an unbias person to carry out the inventory but I like to double check everything first before I start doing anything. I think that it is very necessary to make sure that everything you do is very professional and done to the highest possible standard.

Am having a peaceful (can you call it that?) weekend at home with the children so its nice, I've heard all about the latest school gossip - who has had a red/yellow card etc and who has kissed who and my 3yr old has informed me he is going to marry his girlfriend (that's what I call forward planning).

Off to walk the dogs in the fog. Have a lovely weekend.

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