Wednesday, 3 November 2010

A normal day at home?

I haven't really spoken much about my life other than the work side of it. I have three children - 8yr old daughter, and two sons age 3yrs and 18 months.

As it is quiet at the moment (am trying not to worry - but as I am self employed its difficult not too) I had the luxury of a complete day at home with the kids. So it starts of in the normal manic run round, breakfast, shower and dress the little ones, bit of housework followed by the school run with the nightmare of parking and getting the eldest to school without letting the 3yr old run off (definately not an easy task). When we were at home I had to take a phone call so went out via the patio doors so that I could hear the person on the other end instead of trying the make out the conversation whilst the kids were playing loudly. During the phone call the 3 yr old scaled the stairgate into the kitchen and locked me out. So I spent 10minutes of my morning begging the 3yr old to give Mummy the keys!

I spent the remainder of the afternoon on the garden planting bulbs while the youngest two ran up and down screaming and playing with cars and the dogs. So it was a good afternoon until I had to face the school run again and find somewhere that wasn't a 2 mile trek away from the school to park - I refuse to double park or park on corners unlike the rest of the parents so it can be tricky.

I love the variety my job offers me and the fact that I get to spend extra time with the kids, I am one of the lucky ones.

But on a rainy and cold November afternoon I can't help hoping that I will get invited to the USA or New Zealand to discuss the EPC and how it works in the UK...................well it makes a change from daydreams about winning the lottery. I am glad that I started this blog as it has encouraged me to read more about what is happening about the Green Deal in the UK and across the world, at the end of the day we all as global citizens need to do more, its no good leaving it alone and hoping it will go away - its our world and we ALL have to look after it. The other advantage of this blog is with the fact that my other half is in the Army it gives me somewhere to vent my feelings of frustration about the lack of promotion of the EPC and related topics as the kids don't really seem to want to hear it - the eldest would rather watch Hannah Montana :)

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