Thursday, 11 November 2010


Its easy as a parent to get dragged into the whole my child is doing this earlier than your child routine, it doesn't do anyone any favours and sometimes can leave you feeling very negative about your own parenting skills.

Having just been to my eldests parents evening (shes doing very well, am proud) I was thinking on the way home about comparing countries.......... over the past few days I have looked at what other countries are doing, putting into practice, the websites (I still love Swedens website) and their promises and it has made me think of what its like when you compare children - nobody benefits and you can end up feeling negative when in fact there are things you should be proud of.

Every child develops at a different rate just as every country changes and implements new laws at different rates. The important thing is to praise what is good - if you complain/nag all the time it won't get anywhere.

So I am very proud of the EPC that the UK has in place, there are things that I would change but on the whole we are getting there. I am proud of what all the other countries are doing and it is impressive and encouraging to see what changes are occuring.

But I would still like to see some more changes - greater promotion of the EPC, better website, no interest loans available, available grants promoted more (this would also help stop the current winter scam) and more working together with other countries to see what we can all learn from each other - there is never any point in teaching your grandmother to suck eggs as the saying goes but we can all work together to improve our own countries.

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