Friday, 7 January 2011

a little rant.

Am in the mood for a little rant this morning - mainly because the eldest is back to her usual tricks of asking me to "magic" something up that she needs for school 1 minute before we need to be out the door!

We all had a good Christmas and New Year and have finally started decorating the house - we've only lived here five years but we have had 2 babies in quick succession during that time but atleast we've started and I now have a weekend of painting woodwork to look forward to.

Its very quiet on the work front at the moment, it normally is in January but I can't help thinking that although the majority of people blamed HIPs for the drop in house sales we need to look at the fact that there are not enough mortgages being approved. Once 100% mortgages went so did alot of first time buyers. I am not suggesting that we go back to those days but there has to be another solution to open up the market to first time buyers - if the first time buyers are once again able to get a mortgage then that will move the rest of the market. If the rest of the market gets moving we will have busy estate agents, surveyors and energy assessors - that surely will help the economy and improve alot of things for everyone. It would be a ripple affect and one that is much needed at the moment.

I hope that everyone else is well and wish everyone a successful and happy 2011.

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