Friday, 17 December 2010

warm/cold front

Well the good news is that Warm Front grants will be back next year and concentrate first on elderly and poor households.

I haven't written much over the past few weeks as I have been hit by a nasty bug - otherwise known as proper flu. I spent the majority of last week in bed and am still very run down with little energy. I can't believe that I caught this bug over my birthday as well as I had, for once, got a lovely birthday weekend planned.

The cold weather has once again returned to the UK after a week or so of warmer weather. It was snowing yesterday and its trying to snow again now. I must admit the weather reports are frustrating me though - it would be nice if for once they got it right. The midlands didn't get much of the snow last time but according to the current forecast we will be getting more this time. I don't mind too much though as all the Christmas shopping is done and my husband is on his way home later today and doesn't have to go back to work for another two weeks. It will be lovely to be able to spend some time with him and the kids love having him at home.

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