Thursday, 21 October 2010

Reverse Auctions

I have been a Domestic Energy Assessor for nearly 3 years. I have to admit that I love my work - I get to meet new people on a regular basis and have (I hope) built up a good relationship with my clients.
I am the same as many people in this current economic climate and therefore I am always looking for additional clients and more work!
Unfortunately at the moment there seems to be a growing trend for "reverse" auctions - this is where a number of DEAs are invited to put in the lowest bid to then "win" the EPC. Basically the DEAs are competing against each other to provide the cheapest possible price. I can see the good points - customer gets the cheapest price and (hopefully) a good service and accurate EPC but this isn't the case in alot of these reverse auction sites - the only person/company who benefits are the company who are providing the "reverse" auction as the low price doesn't get passed on to the client and the DEA is working for a pittance.
In light of those facts I can only ask what is the point in reverse auctions as they are not benefiting the client or the DEA?

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